Someone else is profiting from your brand

  • The counterfeit market brings in $600 billion annually, according to the World Trademark Review.
  • Counterfeit products online are approximately a $350 billion market
  • Fakes represent about 7% of global trade, with a revenue that's nearly twice that of the illegal drug market
  • Its not just the luxury designers, fast fashion brands, sportswear and streetwear are now targeted by counterfeiters.
  • All trademarks, logos, designs are at risk of being ripped-off - Imitation is NOT flattery, it’s theft

What’s stopping someone from printing your logo on a t-shirt and selling it online, and what can you do to stop this?

Supply v Demand

  • A majority of consumers do not care if it’s genuine or counterfeit
  • Over 74% of those polled would buy a cheaper counterfeit item if it was convincing
  • Bargain-hunting customers search using price as the most important factor on search-engines - are you the cheapest? You can’t search for “Most Genuine”
  • The online marketplace is demand driven, you can find whatever you want from somewhere on the web. You are losing money because someone else is capitalising on your ideas.
  • As customers are actively looking for cheap product you cannot stop demand - you MUST focus on stopping supply

How often do you search your brand on the Internet? Is it really your product?